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Sabrina Williams Marries Experience With Opportunity in Online MBA Program

August 6, 2022, was quite a day for Sabrina Williams.

The Cleveland local graduated from the Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a Concentration in Accounting online program at Bowling Green State University (BGSU) that day, but she did not participate in the commencement ceremony.

“I got married to Andrew Dansco that same day so I couldn’t be there in the summer,” she said. “I will be walking in graduation in December instead.”

Williams hopes that the confluence of milestone events on the same day is also a good omen for the future of her career.

She currently prepares taxes and keeps books for Naro Tax Services in Elyria, Ohio, but the newlywed also possesses an entrepreneurial spirit.

“I want to open a business as a financial advisor and wedding planner,” she said. “I am almost a certified wedding planner. I would also like to sit for the CPA exam. I am hoping to become certified.”

Seeing Green

Williams began her career with an interest in radiology but changed course and switched to the finance realm.

“I started taking random classes that I would need for any degree,” she said. “I talked to people who did taxes and accounting. It seemed like something I wanted to do, so I went on that path. I was good with numbers growing up.”

After graduating with an online bachelor’s degree in business management and accounting from Hiram College, she enrolled in the online MBA in Accounting program from BGSU in August 2021. The online format worked out well for her busy schedule.

“I was working full time while doing the online MBA and planning our wedding,” she said. “There were a lot of times when I had to push my schoolwork to late in the day.

“It was nice not having to drive to campus every day. I live an hour-and-a-half away. I was able to work, then come back to my schoolwork. It was great. Very flexible.”

Strategy Design And Implementation, the capstone course, was Williams’ favorite in the online master’s degree program curriculum.

“I loved that class because you took everything you learned … and put it into one course,” she said. “It was like I was doing it for the company I work for, so it helped with me passing the class and with my current employment.”

The knowledge Williams gained in the program fed into all three of her jobs, although it mostly applied to her full-time gig.

“I was able to use some of what I learned in the program,” she said. “Some of it I had also learned at work, but I got good value out of the MBA in Accounting program.”

Ringing Endorsement

Williams is the first person in her immediate family to earn a master’s degree. Her family and friends were happy to see two huge milestones in her life come to fruition on the same August day.

“They were very excited,” she said. “I didn’t want to go to school initially. I completed both the bachelor’s and master’s degrees in three-and-half years.”

For anyone considering an online MBA in Accounting degree program, Williams believes that BGSU is a great way to go.

“I would say go for it and give it your all,” she said. “If you dedicate time and listen to the professors, they will give you all the materials you need to succeed.

“Don’t go into it thinking it’s like a high school class where you will get through it and not do much. You have to pay attention, but you will get a lot out of it.”

Williams, who also enjoys riding dirt bikes in her free time, believes that having an MBA will help her realize her goal of owning her own business. She can also now speak from experience about what to expect on the big day and financial planning for couples starting their lives together.

“Having an MBA will help open up some career opportunities for me,” she said. “I highly recommend the BGSU online program.”

Learn more about BGSU’s online MBA with a Concentration in Accounting program.

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