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Ways MBA Grads Can Improve Their Community

The measure of a good business has shifted in recent years to include elements like reputation, philanthropy and cultural or societal impact. Today’s business leaders must consider more than simple profit margins in order to remain successful.

The online Master of Business Administration (MBA) with a concentration in Marketing program from Bowling Green State University (BGSU) prepares graduates to not only be competitive candidates for positions but also have a social impact in their communities, society or the world.

Become Social Entrepreneurs

Investopedia defines social entrepreneur as “a person who pursues an innovative idea with the potential to solve a community problem.” Not to be confused with non-profit professionals, social entrepreneurs start their businesses with profit and making a positive change in mind.

The U.S. Chamber of Commerce gives excellent examples of social entrepreneurism below:

  • TOMS: “Founded by Blake Mycoskie in 2006 after a trip to Argentina, TOMS began a one-for-one social entrepreneurship model, in which a pair of shoes would be given to children in need for every pair of shoes they sold.”
  • Warby Parker: “Warby Parker similarly launched their ‘Buy a Pair, Give a Pair’ program, which has resulted in the company donating over five million pairs of glasses to people in need as of 2019.”
  • Love Your Melon: This company launched as a non-profit in 2012 but switched to a for-profit in 2016. They followed the one-for-one social entrepreneurship model in which one beanie is donated to a child battling cancer for every beanie sold.

MBA graduates have the business knowledge and skills to pursue their own passions while fighting for the greater good.

Social Impact Roles Are Prevalent

Social impact roles are jobs focused on making a difference in the community. Often, when people think of social impact roles, jobs like social worker, case worker or human services worker come to mind. However, there’s a variety of social impact roles available to MBA graduates, and they’re increasing.

Based on the report from The Impact Investor, social impact roles are primarily in the following fields:

  • Nonprofit Organizations (NPOs)
  • Corporate social responsibility
  • Government and public service
  • Social enterprises
  • Entrepreneurship

Positions in these fields have expanded due to the increasing interest of professionals pursuing what is important to them as an individual and wanting a career that allows for these pursuits.

Make A Difference With An MBA Degree

When you think of TOMS, Warby Parker or Love Your Melon, you think of all the people around the world these organizations have helped and continue to help. When you think of social impact roles, you think of the professionals working day in and day out to make a positive change, whether that be a research analyst at a nonprofit or the diversity, equity and inclusion coordinator working for a corporation.

People tend to focus on the tangible benefits of an MBA degree, such as increased earning potential and the opportunity of promotion. When the scope of this life-changing degree is expanded to view how people can make a positive social impact on communities and the world, it’s much more valuable.

Learn more about Bowling Green State University’s online Master of Business Administration with a concentration in Marketing program

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